WordPress Plugins to Assist with Google’s Panda Update

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Google Panda

I’m always interested to keep up with the goings-on at Google. The Panda update was trouble for some, so here’s an article from ShoutMeLoud.com to help us out with that.

Excerpt: “It was one scary night, when Google decided to roll out a wild animal on the farm of Bloggers call Panda. When ShoutMeLoud got hit by Panda, I was stunned and realized, I must be doing something wrong……and similarly any other blogger who got struck by a panda traffic drop must be making mistakes in terms of something (Content, SEO , Backlinks)…..Here I’m going to list few Google panda WordPress plugins, as I named it. You can use them to fix your site and make your blog panda-lovable.”

Read More:  Google Panda WordPress Plugins to Kick Panda Back to Jungle

End of Excerpt

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