Successful Trial Series of Facebook Ads targeted a specific market demographic: avid Tai Chi practitioners

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Facebook ad series trial developed for to promote site traffic

Project Scope: A successful trial series of Facebook ads targeted a specific market demographic ~ avid Tai Chi practitioners ~ to promote interest in and visitor traffic to Cynthe’s shop.

The trial Facebook ad promo ran for 2 weeks. Cynthe monitored ad performance daily, observing which graphics and ad offers performed the best…ie. stimulated the most click throughs to her store. And what sort of Daily Budget bid level was required for the performance goals she had in mind.

Cynthe had honed the powerfully effective ad headline a few years ago via a Google AdWords campaign. Ad Headline effectiveness may also be determined by reviewing the Facebook ad campaign stats on a daily basis.

STATS from our TaiChiTees FACEBOOK AD CAMPAIGN: We used 4 different ad visuals with 2 headlines and slightly different content offers over 2 weeks.
Total Impressions: 262,194 / Clicks: 652  / CTR (Click thru Rate): 0.249% / CPM: (Cost Per Million) $0.07

Stats for the most successful ad (Version 3, above):
Clicks: 139 / Total Impressions: 45,236 / CTR (Click thru Rate): 0.307% excellent! / CPC: (Cost Per Click) $0.06 extremely reasonable!

Interesting, valuable TARGET DEMOGRAPHIC INFO we gathered from the trial ads:
1 ~ Discovered in this market, guys are obviously the ones who like to wear stuff related to their interest in Tai Chi.
2 ~ An ad aimed at women totally bombed with ZERO clicks.
CONCLUSION: Women may need a longer campaign run to stimulate click-throughs? OR they may want word-of-mouth referrals to peak interest. OR they may need to see women portrayed in the graphics.

COMMENTS: A Facebook Ad Campaign requires an investment ~ of either a business owner’s time or an advertising budget to work in partnership with skilled professionals (like Grey Visual) ~ to craft an effective series of ads.

Project Background: Cynthe Brush and Bill Grey ~ Yang & Chen style Tai Chi students for over a decade ~ deeply appreciate the subtly profound changes Tai Chi and GiGong have made in their lives.

Dismayed by the incredibly UGLY martial arts graphics used for many martial arts studio logos, on Tai Chi uniforms, and on martial arts and Tai Chi t-shirts, Cynthe has developed VERY popular designs for her store. shop visitors may purchase tees, sweats, mugs, tote bags, and caps plus sign-up for her Tai Chi Tees newsletter.


GREY VISUAL Santa Rosa California USA

End of Excerpt

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