REPORT: Most Online Retailers Have Not Utilized Video Opportunity

Picture of Bill Grey

Bill Grey, Curator

Online video solutions provider SundaySky recently released a telling report about how the Web’s biggest retailers utilize the power of video. Or, more to the point, how they are failing to do so.

“Online video solutions provider SundaySky recently released a telling report about how the Web’s biggest retailers utilize the power of video. Or, more to the point, how they are failing to do so.”


“The biggest takeaway from the State of Video in E-Commerce that we published several months ago, citing conclusions from SundaySky’s Q4 2010 report, was that the large majority of online merchants have thus far underutilized or altogether neglected this simple yet potentially very valuable medium.”


Read More at the Links Below:

Why You Need E-Commerce Video Now
The State of Video in E-Commerce – Website Magazine

Technorati Tags: ecommerce, video

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