May 2017 Twitter Social Media Marketing Roundup

updates from around the web

Picture of Bill Grey

Bill Grey, Curator

For some reason, Twitter has always been my Social Media "friend". Always liked it better than all the rest. So why not give it a little love and educate my readers and myself on Twitter marketing?
twitter marketing roundup for may 2017

Twitter Marketing Update
9 Awesome Twitter Marketing WordPress Plugins For You!
Using WordPress is great. Using Twitter is a no-brainer. But when you can use BOTH together? Well, that’s a recipe to grow your business very quickly… …because you’ll attract lots of…
How to Use Twitter to Drive More Traffic to Your Blog : Social...
Want more people to share your blog posts on Twitter? Looking for proven promotion tactics that deliver blog traffic? Twitter is a great place to share your blog posts but you’ll have to go…
What Are Twitter Cards and How Do I Use Them?
One of the biggest shortcomings of Twitter has always been its 140 character per tweet limit. Nonetheless, creative small business marketers have been using the social media platform…
How to Use Twitter Moments for Business : Social Media Examiner
Have you heard of Twitter Moments? Wondering how Twitter Moments can help you promote your business? Twitter Moments lets you combine groups of selected tweets, sharing your message in more…
6 Things That You Didn`t Know About Twitter
Twitter was never meant to be a social network. In fact Twitter started life as an internal messaging service for a podcasting company just over seven years ago. But how things have…
Content Curation
A Beginner`s Guide to Content Curation and Content Aggregation...
For businesses with an online presence, content marketing has become an important tool to help attract customers, form relationships, and generate leads and sales. While most people know…
16 Content Curation Tools Which Can Streamline Your Efforts
The vast majority of marketers, agencies and social media managers still manage their social media efforts with spreadsheets and bookmarks. Instead of starting from scratch each morning -…
Create your own digital magazine via content curation; it`s...
The world of advertising has changed. Consumers are becoming more tech-savvy every year and like to be in control of the kind of information they are consuming, in what form and at what…
Other Marketing Data to Keep in Mind
B2B Marketers Say Email Delivers the Highest ROI Leads
Score another one for email. On the heels of recent research showing that email is the top lead- and revenue-producing vehicle for B2B marketers, a newly-released study [download page] from…
Mobile Marketing ROI Has Come A Long Way in the Past Decade, But...
Email marketing continues to provide the best ROI of any digital channel, closely followed by SEO, according to Adestra and Econsultancy in their latest Email Marketing Industry Census…
The 10 Most Important Ways to Build Trust in Companies...
Trust in bedrock institutions – NGOs, business, media and the government – is declining worldwide, reveals Edelman in its latest annual Trust Barometer report, and business stands “on the…
May 2017 Twitter Marketing Roundup
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End of Excerpt

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