CopyPress: A New Model for Outsourcing Your Web Content Needs

copypress pageBoy… does this speak to the needs of today’s business, or what? Everyone wants a blog, a web site or a social media presence. But it’s hard to get around the fact that small businesses have a tough time developing content to keep their online presence updated and fresh. It’s a real problem and it ends the dreams of many online marketers.

I was searching blog lists to fill my news folders the other day. I searched a very popular topic that would indicate the presence of many bloggers. Yes… there were many bloggers… and 90% of them had given up on their blogs months or years ago! Blog-Burnout is a known “illness”. People can’t keep up with the demands of their lives… and still have enough “juice” left to fill the blog pipeline with valuable content. Perhaps CopyPress can help fill that need. Read on for a more comprehensive look at this new service.

Excerpt: “Recently I got a press pass to attend the BlueGlass online marketing conference in Florida.  One of the highlights of my visit was a demo of a new product called CopyPress. CopyPress is an outsourced content-creation service for online content.  If you need content created for a blog or  website, or a white paper or other use, CopyPress streamlines the process of commissioning that content.”

Read the Entire Article:  via Small Business Trends

End of Excerpt

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