Beautiful Design is Not Enough

Picture of Bill Grey

Bill Grey, Curator

So often I'm asked to "just design something" for an ad, a brochure or a web site. Very little marketing information accompanies this request for a new project.

So often I’m asked to “just design something” for an ad, a brochure or a web site. Very little marketing information accompanies this request for a new project. Business people often don’t find time in their busy schedules to slow down and consider what they are doing when they approach a design project. They don’t think about how their company is positioned in the marketplace. They don’t think about the competition. It’s too much trouble to think about the end user and what they are REALLY looking for and how they actually perceive you. Let’s face it, it’s easier to be “cute” with headlines and copy rather than give it serious attention. Too much trouble.

It’s true, it takes a commitment of time and thought to differentiate a company or product from its competition. It requires concentrated attention (and perhaps research) to determine your target market and exactly what they think about….and what they need from you. But it’s really only after gathering this information that you are ready to think about design and copy.

I thought the following short post by Pamela Wilson was right on the money and something all business people need to consider before they tell their web or print designer to “just design something”.

The Myth of Beautiful Web Design | Copyblogger

End of Excerpt

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