Chipkali Creations: Multicultural Logo Design & Web Embellishments

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Picture of Bill Grey

Bill Grey, Curator

Project Scope: The logo symbol draws from multicultural and ancient artistic references: The powerful “bulls-eye” tail spirals are a motif common to many cultures, The eye shape is a wink to Indian art “Aladdin’s Lamp” represents…possibilities & imagination, creative magic, and an appreciation of diverse art forms from ancient cave paintings to the digital magic of today’s computer media,
Chipkali Creations Logo Design contrasts with an embellished textural treatment featured on the website home page.

Project Scope: The logo symbol draws from multicultural and ancient artistic references:

  • The powerful “bulls-eye” tail spirals are a motif common to many cultures,
  • The eye shape is a wink to Indian art
  • “Aladdin’s Lamp” represents…possibilities & imagination, creative magic, and an appreciation of diverse art forms from ancient cave paintings to the digital magic of today’s computer media,
  • The curled tongue (also…steam or magical happenings) interjects a bit of humor….and a spunky attitude.

Client: Chipkali Creations, Publishers

Project Background: Use of this ‘exotic’ (common Punjabi) word is a tribute to the owner’s Asian cultural heritage as a “third culture kid” (ie. TCK*) and citizen of the world.

*TCK: A person born and/or raised abroad from an early age – socialized with the attitudes & skills of the host culture, rather than of one’s familial heritage – often making TCKs feel like invisible immigrants in their own countries.

Geckos, a successful species, are found world-wide. Chipkalis, a type of gecko, are entertaining to observe – alert, watchful, lively, quick, and fondly regarded as clever. They’re resourceful strategists, good survivors, perform their “job” dependably, and are humorously endearing (in a lizardy way).

GREY VISUAL Santa Rosa California USA

End of Excerpt

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