Facebook Marketing Tips from Chris Voss

Picture of Bill Grey

Bill Grey, Curator

Are you into interacting with fans? Sponsoring events? How about running contests, ads or QR codes? Then you'll find the following list useful. For those that are curious, but don't know much about Facebook marketing, this is an eye-opener.

If Facebook marketing is important to your business, then this infographic from Chris Voss should be a great checklist.

OK, I admit, I’m not a huge Facebook guy. It’s “OK”… I’d just rather be designing web sites or advertising. But if you’re into interacting with fans, sponsoring events, or running contests, ads or QR codes…then you’ll find the following list useful. For those that are curious, but don’t know much about Facebook marketing, this is an eye-opener.

64 Techniques of Facebook Business Marketing Infographic | The Chris Voss Show

End of Excerpt

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